Development Of An Android-Based Cognitive Behavior Modification Cybercounseling Asynchronous Group Application To Increase Student Self-Confidence

Akhmad Fajar Prasetya, Parhan Fauzan, Adika Dwi Juniardo, Ummi Nur Fathonah, Jodi Setiobudi


In recent years, student self-confidence has become a higlight and an issue in the world of education in Indonesia. Self-confidence is an important aspect for student, because it can influence academic achievment, social development, and students psychological well-being. Based on the background of this probem, the urgency of this research was carried out to provide an innovative application technology that aims to increase students’self-confidence through the application of a cognitive behavior modification approach. This application is designed to be able to provide online counseling services that facilitate students in groups called asynchronous group cybercounseling. This research method uses development or research and development (R&D) including determining potential and problems, collecting information, product design, design validation, and design revision. With this application, it is hoped that it can provide innovation and assistance that will have a positive contribution in increasing students’ self-confidence, helping students overcome challenges, and developing students personal skills at school and in society.  


Aplikasi android, Cognitive behavior modification, Cybercounseling asynchronous group, Percaya diri

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