Eksotisasi Kuliner Madura (Campur Lorjuk) dalam Film Aruna dan Lidahnya
exotization, culinary culture, food studies, aruna dan lidahnya, ilmAbstract
Food existence has reached out all aspects of life. It also becomes the primary part of economic aspects, the sign of social differentiation, distinction, boundary, and contradiction. The interesting part of food is the changing discourse towards the food itself. The changing of the discourse emerged as the consequence of the transformation from the meaning of food as a practice into an aesthetic thing. A film entitled Aruna dan Lidahnya is Indonesian movie displaying the unique culinary from some localities. It offers an attractive point of view in showing the culinary culture in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the exotization of Madura culinary (campur lorjuk) within Aruna dan Lidahnya. It employs the method of semiotic analysis. This study is showing that Madura culinary (campur lorjuk) is imaged as "wild" food.
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