The Relationship between Emotional Regulation and Self-Efficacy with Students' Academic Resilience

Rahma Fitri Annisa, Nurfarhanah Nurfarhanah, Firman Firman, Rezki Hariko


Pressures in the academic system cause students to experience stress and be unable to adapt to these problems. One of the academic problems is the lack of academic resilience in students. There are several factors that influence academic resilience, including emotional regulation and self-efficacy. This research aims to obtain: 1) a description of the academic resilience behavior of MTsN 4 Padang City students, 2) a description of the emotional regulation of MTsN 4 Padang City students, 3) a description of the self-efficacy of MTsN 4 Padang City students 6) the relationship between emotional regulation and self-efficacy on academic resilience MTsN 4 Padang City students. The research uses a quantitative approach with correlational descriptive methods. The population in the study amounted to 857 students, with sampling using proportional stratified random sampling techniques to obtain a research sample of 271 students. This research instrument uses a questionnaire on emotional regulation, self-efficacy and academic resilience with a Likert scale model. Data were analyzed using correlational descriptive statistical analysis techniques. The research findings are: (1) emotional regulation of MTsN 4 Padang City students is in the medium category 64.0%, (2) self-efficacy of MTsN 4 Padang City students is in the medium category 57.8% and (3) academic resilience of MTsN students 4 Padang City is in the medium category at 67,4%. (4) there is a simultaneous relationship between emotional regulation and self-efficacy with students' academic resilience through the significance test of the correlation coefficient value R = 0.374 and R Square = 0.139; P = 0.000. The implication of the results of this research is that guidance and counseling teachers can provide several services to improve emotional regulation and self-efficacy, in order to reduce students' academic resilience.



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Program Pascasarjana Magister Psikologi
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
Penerbit UAD Press

ISSN Printed 2088-3129 ISSN Online 2460 8467

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