The Effectiveness of Reality Therapy in Improving Learning Motivation and Discipline

Anisa Siti Nurjanah, Sigit Sanyata, M Fahli Zatrahadi


This meta-analytical study aimed to examine the effectiveness of reality therapy in enhancing students learning motivation and discipline. Seven experimental studies were selected as the sample of the study using purposive sampling technique. These selected studies reported the effect of reality therapy on learning motivation and discipline. The analysis was done using pre-post contrast meta-analysis. The calculation result showed a weighted mean effect score of 2.818. The mean effect size score is the parameter that represents effective contribution. This positive score indicates that the post-test score is higher than the pre-test score. Accordingly, it could be concluded that reality therapy is effective for enhancing learning motivation and discipline.


reality therapy; learning motivation; learning discipline

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PSIKOPEDAGOGIA Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
ISSN 2301-6167 (print) | 2528-7206 (online)
Published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in collaboration with Association of Guidance Counseling Study Program, ALPTKPTM, Indonesia
Address: Main Campus (Campus 4), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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