“Proaktif Teachers†Training to Increase Emotional Regulation of Teachers in Vocational Schools

Istiqomah Yungsiana, Wisjnu Martani


Emotion regulation is an important aspect in teachers a teacher’s everyday life. However, facts show that some teachers fail to properly regulate their emotions. Accordingly, an intervention is needed to enhance teachers’ emotional regulation. “PROAKTIF Teachers†is a training module developed to increase teachers’ emotional regulation. The “PROAKTIF Teachers†training was structured based on a “PROAKTIF†Guidance and Counseling Model. This research aimed to find out the effect of “PROAKTIF Teachers†training on vocational School teachers’ emotional regulation. The research method was quasi experiment using the untreated control group design with dependent pretest and posttest samples. Twenty-six vocational school teachers participated in this study, they were assigned into experimental and control groups. The participants were recruited using purposive sampling technique.The research instruments were emotional regulation scale, “PROAKTIF Teachers†module, and manipulation check. Data analysis used mixed annova. The result of the research showed that “PROAKTIF Teachers†training did not have significant effect in increasing emotional regulation of teachers in Vocational schools. The result of the present study could be used as a reference to develop a training model to help vocational school teachers to improve their emotion regulation skills by considering several aspects found in the present study including duration, model, approach, theoretical basis, focus, and psychological values of the training.


proaktif teachers; emotional regulation; teachers; vocational school

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12928/psikopedagogia.v9i2.17819


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PSIKOPEDAGOGIA Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
ISSN 2301-6167 (print) | 2528-7206 (online)
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