
Journal titlePharmaciana
Frequency3 issues per year | March, July, and November
DOIPrefix 10.12928
ISSN2088-4559 (print) | 2477-0256 (online)
Editor-in-chiefProf.Dr. apt. Nurkhasanah Mahfudh, M.Si
PublisherUniversitas Ahmad Dahlan
Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar

Pharmaciana is a scientific journal published by the University of Ahmad Dahlan worked closely with Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia (IAI). Pharmaciana published three times a year, namely March, July and November. with ISSN 2088-4559 and e-ISSN 2477-0256. The article published in the Journal Pharmaciana selected by editors and reviewed by the reviewer. Articles published in Pharmaciana must not be published in other journals or have been previously published.

Pharmaciana is indexed in google scholar, ACI (Asean Citation Index), Dimension (Crossreff), Garuda, Sinta, Sherpa Romeo, Index Copernicus International, DOAJ, and BASE. Pharmaciana is accredited by DIKTI (DGHE) of Indonesia No.  105/E/KPT/2022  April 07, 2022

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Article publication charge

Starting from 2022, the article publication charge of Pharmaciana Will be IDR 1,200,000.
The charge is apllied for accepted manuscript only.

Beside the publication fee, authors also have to pay the proofreading cost which will be charged depend on the number of page

Posted: 2022-01-24



Regarding the huge of manuscripts submitted to Pharmaciana, Pharmaciana will add the number of publication frequency. Starting from 2020, Pharmaciana will published three times a year. The period of published were March, July and November.


Posted: 2020-02-21



Starting in May 2018 edition, the article will be published in English. Therefore, the author should submit articles in English. The author may also submit articles in Indonesian, but will be charged translations in accordance with terms and conditions.

For more information, don't hesitate to ask us if you have any questions. Please contact at

Posted: 2017-10-28

Pharmaciana Journal Call for Paper


Authors are invited to submit electronically no more than 12 pages full paper through journal website. The submitted paper should follow the format available on the journal template.

The scopes of accepted papers are: Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Drug Delivery System, Physical Pharmacy, Chemical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmacokinetics, , Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biology, Community and Clinical Pharmacy, Regulatory Affairs and Pharmaceutical Marketing Research, and  Alternative Medicines.

Posted: 2016-03-22
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Vol 14, No 1 (2024): Pharmaciana

Table of Contents

Combination of Spirulina platensis powder and Stichopus variegatus powder against Bcl2 expression in the hippocampus of dementia Rats PDF
Lisa Agustina Botutihe, Rizka Safira, Sapto Yuliani, Kintoko Kintoko 1-9
Enzymatic virgin coconut oil effect on urea and creatinine levels of hypercholesterolemia-diabetics induced Wistar male rats PDF
Niluh Puspita Dewi, Syafika Alaydrus, Nadila Nadila, Magfirah Magfirah, Joni Tandi, Viani Anggi, Nani Astria 10-19
Antiparkinsonian Effect of Nutmeg Ethanolic Extract (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) in Haloperidol-induced Mice PDF
Dwi Hadi Setya Palupi, Isma Galuh Fekhayanti 20-28
Antibiotic consumption and resistance: a 3-years ecological study for four critical groups of bacteria in a general regional hospital PDF
Dwi Arymbhi Sanjaya, Nyoman Budiartha Siada, Rr Asih Juanita, I Putu Yudistira Mahaputra, Made Gek Adisti Kamalia, Herleeyana Meriyani 29-38
Medication-related burden of chronic renal failure patients at regional general hospital Sleman Yogyakarta PDF
Woro Supadmi, Elinda Fitriana, Muhammad Muhlis 39-45
The quality of life of hemodialysis patients in Yogyakarta, Indonesia PDF
Siswandi Siswandi, Dyah Aryani Perwitasari, Lamhot B Simanjuntak, Gugun Suhendra, Dewi Wulandari, Haafizah Dania, Imaniar Noor Faridah, Adnan Adnan 46-56
Development of standardized kaffir lime fruit peel extract as a gel for antioxidant and anti-acne PDF
Farida Lanawati Darsono, Lisa Soegianto, Maria Anabella Jessica 57-68
Sunscreen effectivity and physical characterization of avocado oil in nanoemulsion using isopropyl myristate variations PDF
Ayu Shabrina, Zuhriya Muna Firdausi, Agnes Theresya Poerba, Diana Anisa Setyani, Junvidya Heroweti 69-79
Immunomodulator Effect of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius Leaves Extract on CD4+ and CD8+ Expression in Salmonella typhimurium infected mice PDF
Sholihatil Hidayati, Dhina Ayu Susanti, Rian Anggia Destiawan, Ahdiah Imroatul Muflihah, Rizka Handayani, Wima Anggitasari 80-87
Combination of polyherbal Phyllanthus reticulatus with Zingiber officinale and Cymbopogon citratus to optimize the antioxidant capacity PDF
Elizabeth Betty Elok Kristiani, Sri Kasmiyati, Yohanes Martono 88-99
Ethnopharmacology study of medicinal plants utilization for antidiarrheal remedies by Tengger tribe in Tosari District, Indonesia PDF
Indah Yulia Ningsih, Virda Fitra Mandasari, Antonius Nugraha Widhi Pratama, Mochammad Amrun Hidayat 100-108