Scientific literacy materi fluida statis siswa SMA: studi kasus

Lestari Widodo, Lia Yuliati, Parno Parno


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan scientific literacy siswa sebelum dan setelah pembelajaran STEM berbasis masalah pada materi fluida statis. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode dekriptif pada salah satu kelas di SMAN 8 Muaro Jambi. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri atas 27 siswa yang meliputi 19 perempuan dan 8 laki-laki. Scientific literacy siswa diukur menggunakan 5 butir soal essai. Soal tersebut telah valid dan memiliki reliabilitas yang tinggi. Hasil analisis N-gain menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan. N-gain rata-rata masing-masing soal menunjukkan n-gain soal nomor 1 sebesar 0,23 (rendah), soal nomor 2 sebesar 0,46 (sedang), soal nomor 3 sebesar 0,25 (rendah), soal nomor 4 sebesar 0,156 (rendah), dan soal nomor 5 sebesar 0,625 (tinggi). Berdasarkan jawaban post-test siswa diperoleh kriteria scientific literacy siswa . Kriteria tersebut berdasarkan kriteria PISA 2015.


The purpose of this study was to describe the students' scientific literacy before and after STEM based on problem learning on static fluid. The method of this study was the descriptive method in one of class in SMAN 8 Muaro Jambi. The subjects were 27 students who consisted of 19 females and 8 males. The students' scientific literacy was measured by 5 essay questions. The instrument was valid and had the high reliability. The analyzed results of n-gain show that there is an improvement. The average of n-gain for each question shows that the n-gain of the numbers show 0,23 (low) in number 1, 0.46 (medium) in number 2, 0,25 (low) in number 3, 0,156 (low) in number 4 and 0,625 (medium) in number 5. Based on the students' post-test it gains the students' scientific literacy criteria. It's based on PISA 2015.


Kata kunci: STEM, Scientific Literacy, Fluida Statis

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