Mapping of profile students’ metacognitive awareness in Yogyakarta, Indonesia




This study aims to map the metacognitive awareness profile of students. Respondents involved were 198 students (24% male and 76% female) who were spread in Grade X and XI Science. Respondents were selected using convenience sampling techniques at SMAN 2 Bantul in 2018/2019 Academic Year. Students' metacognitive awareness data were collected using the Jr. MAI developed by Kim et al. Students' metacognitive awareness data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. Results showed that female were more dominant having metacognitive awareness than male students. Overall, students already have good metacognitive awareness in knowledge and regulation aspects. Students' metacognitive knowledge were dominant distributed in Good (class X) and Very Good (class XI) category. While the Students' metacognitive regulations were dominant distributed in the Good category (class X and XI). The results of this study are expected to be used as a teacher's reference in designing effective teaching strategies to improve student academic achievement.

Keywords: metacognitive awareness, metacognitive mapping, metacognitive profile, metacognitive students

Author Biographies

Moh Irma Sukarelawan, Ahmad Dahlan university

I am Moh. Irma the sukarelawan. I am a new lecturer in the Magister of Physics Education program at Ahmad Dahlan University. I was born in the City of Dompu, NTB on July 27, 1984. I am currently studying Doctoral programs in Education program by focusing on Physics Education at Yogyakarta State University. The focus of my research is in misconception and metacognitive collaboration with the role of technology.

Sriyanto Sriyanto, SMAN 2 Bantul Yogyakarta

My name is Sriyanto. I was born on April 3, 1968. I am a senior physics teacher at SMAN 2 Bantul. My last education was a master's degree in physics education. I took my Masters in Physics Education Study Program at Ahmad Dahlan University in 2011.


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