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Proposal of Image generation model using cGANs for sketching faces

Nguyen Phat Huu, Nguyet Giap Thi


The transition from sketches to realistic images of human faces has an important application in criminal investigation science to find criminals as depicted by witnesses. However, due to the difference between the sketch image and the real face image in terms of image detail and color, it is challenging and takes time to transform from hand-drawn sketches to actual faces. To solve this problem, we propose an image generation model using the conditional generative adversarial network with autoencoder (cGANs-AE) model to generate synthetic samples for variable length and multi-feature sequence datasets. The goal of the model is to learn how to encode a dataset that reduces its vector size. Using a vector with reducing the dimension, the autoencoder will have to recreate the image similar to the original image. The autoencoder aims to produce output as input and focus only on the essential features. Raw sketches over the cGANS create realistic images that quickly and easily make the sketch images raw images. The results show that the model achieves high accuracy of up to 75%, and PSNR is 25.5 dB that is potentially applicable for practice with only 606 face images. The performance of our proposed architecture is compared with other solutions, and the results show that our proposal obtains competitive performance in terms of output quality (25.5 dB) and efficiency (above 75%).


GANs; cGANs; CNN; Sketching faces; Image processing

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