Performance measurement of the relationship between students' learning with lecturers' characteristics as supervisors based on fuzzy-based assessment

Mulyanto Mulyanto, Bedi Suprapty, Arief Bramanto Wicaksono Putra, Achmad Fanany Onnilita Gaffar


In addition to the focus of research selected as a Final Project material, the selection of lecturers as student's supervisor becomes very important. The lecturer's competence related to the focus of student research and the supervising style of lecturers is also very influential on the final results. Measurement of style appropriateness between students' learning styles and supervising lecturers' styles can benchmark the quality of the final project's implementation, especially higher education institutions. This study has applied fuzzy-based assessment to build objective perceptions of students' learning characteristics and lecturers' characteristics (Visual (V), Auditory (A), Kinesthetic (K)) as supervisors through questionnaire processing that has designed in such away. Hence, it is suitable for this study. The measuring technique of the percentage of overlapping areas under the curves and the correlation test between a pair of curves have been used as performance measurement metrics. In general, the study results indicate a significant level of coverage adequacy for all research variables regarding existing conditions. It means that the process of Final Project activities in terms of students' and lecturers' learning characteristics as supervisors and their distribution is at a reasonable level (88.38%). It has also been shown by the results of the correlation test of the appropriateness of choice, both supervisors selected by students (0.8657) and students chosen by lecturers (0.9897) who are at a very significant level of similarity. Correlation tests conducted for similarities between students' and lecturers' learning characteristics as supervisors show almost no significant correlation between them (0.4064).


student learning style; lecturer characteristic; Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic; Fuzzy-based assessment; distribution of selected supervisors and students

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