Adversity Quotient in Mathematics Learning (Quantitative Study on Students Boarding School in Pekanbaru)

Zubaidah Amir MZ, Risnawati Risnawati, Annisah Kurniati, Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana


The aim of this study is to analyze students' Adversity Quotient (AQ) in mathematics learning viewed from gender aspect. This study is quantitative survey study on students in MTs Al-Munawarah Boarding School, Pekanbaru. The subjects of study are 8th grade students consisting of  75 girls and 63 boys. Data are collected by AQ scale and analyzed with statistic descriptive and inferential (test-t). The indicator of AQ consist of control, origin, ownership, reach and endurance. The result of descriptive analysis shows that there is difference in mean of each indicator for two groups, but analysis of test-t  shows that there is no difference in students' mathematical AQ for two group of gender. Through variance test, students' mathematical AQ in two groups is homogeneous. The indicator of AQ in boys which is categorized as high are endurance and reach. While, the indicator in girls is aspect of control. This study contributes to literature study in identifying students' AQ and the effort done to enhance students' AQ in mathematics learning.


adversity quotient, gender, metacognitive

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