Loneliness and psychological well-being among adolescents K-Pop fans

Luthfiana Nur Fauziyah, Herlina Siwi Widiana, Arini Widyowati


Psychological well-being is important for adolescent, especially on their mental health. This study aimed to examine the relationship between loneliness and psychological well-being in adolescent K-pop fans. The population in this study were adolescents aged 13-18 years who were K-pop fans, with a research sample obtained from quota sampling with a total of 100 people. This research applied the quantitative method, while the data collection tools included the psychological well-being and loneliness scales. The data are then analyzed using the product moment technique. The study results show a significant negative relationship between loneliness and psychological well-being among adolescent K-pop fans. The level of psychological well-being and loneliness adolescent K-pop fans are in the moderate category. Based on the study results, the lower the level of loneliness among adolescents, the higher the psychological well-being will be and vice versa. The higher the level of loneliness, the lower the psychological well-being.


Adolescents, K-pop fans, Loneliness, Psychological well-being.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12928/empathy.v6i2.26151


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